验厂审核要求员工不能连续上班超 6 天,这里的 SQL 语句可以从考勤记录数据表中检查出哪些人连续上班 7 天。** 首先说明一下考勤记录数据表主要字段:
然后是检查语句:--查询连续上班7天的员工 with t1 as (select distinct EmployeeGuid,b.Name,AttDate,dateadd(day,6,AttDate) Date2 from PM_Att_Record a inner join PM_Att_Employee b on a.CheckYear=b.CheckYear and a.CheckMonth=b.CheckMonth and a.EmployeeGuid=b.Guid where (a.CheckYear=@CheckYear2 and a.CheckMonth=@CheckMonth2 and AttDate>=@BeginDate2 or a.CheckYear=@CheckYear and a.CheckMonth=@CheckMonth and b.OrgFrameGuid4 like @OrgFrame) and a.WorkHours>0 ), t2 as (select a.EmployeeGuid,a.Name,b.AttDate,b.Date2,count(*) as days from t1 a,t1 b where a.EmployeeGuid=b.EmployeeGuid and a.AttDate between b.AttDate and b.Date2 group by a.EmployeeGuid,a.Name,b.AttDate,b.Date2) select t2.Name,min(t2.Date2),'连续7天上班' from t2 where days=7 group by t2.Name